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Monday, January 24, 2011

All about companion - Part 2 : Augmentations

Hi agents,
It's been 2 weeks since I'm away, so take a deep breath and hope you enjoy this one =)

Previously on All about companion (Part 1 : Leveling), I have discussed some important tips and trick about companion levelling. Afterall, levelling isn't just for improving the stats. When your companion reaches level 5, it's ready to be augmented. For every pet, you're given 3 slots for augmentation, each with either 50 Ghost Plasmas or 1000 Nessy's Golden Reserve.

Before proceeding, as promised, here are the augmentations of my Emerald Dragon Whelp (Ravi, Uchiha Sasuke, and Easton guessed them right)

Do you think it's awesome ? Why ?
A good augmentation is one that suits the original stats of your companion. As with my EDW, extra 2 to 5 raws, and -30 sec to 3 min are really the proper upgrades.

Don't get mistaken, augmentation IS NOT a double-edged sword. Obviously good augmentation would have significant effect to your pet. Yet a bad augmentation is really just a bad augmentation. It doesn't make your pet worse. It just looks bad, like a collection of fruit juices with a bottle of a sour lemon in between. 

And so here is the list of the augmentations, grouped in accordance to my personal categories =)

Any companions would be happy to have this

The currency, of course. Once you got one of the above, it means no more deaugmentations.

The all-rounder

Though -30 sec seems one level above midnight attraction, sometimes it's not always preferable. It's always not bad to have the anti-burner and loot multiplier on the stock.

The situational

Attraction ? It's good on those who got attraction on the stats initially, like my Icy Whelp on the last picture below. Otherwise it could somewhat disrupt the role of your pet. One example is when you use Snake in hunting the blue bottles from Poltergeist in Count Church, while using SSG, you should keep it low right ? Mystic and Raw are really situational. You don't want mystic on Kelpie and raw on Cu sith. But it's good if it fits like my Emerald above. Malty Mist is the least preferable within this category, even having +3 doesn't mean that much.

The elite drinks

Self explanatory. Nessy and Nightcap, very useful in any way.

The trio

The juices ! You'll need these sometimes.

The useful ones

Vintages are good. Having this turns your Cu Sith to half Snake. It helps you on getting more of the special baits like Devil Driver or seasonal baits such as Pumpkin Punch. Widow Tears ? Look carefully at the products : Braveheart, Frozen Mist and the Corpse Reviver, 3 mocktails with -t/sc. Perfect for monster hunting companions as you'll get a lot of those bottles.

The remaining..

Black Tartan ? Please, dude. It really needs some improvement in the future.

Almost in every condition, a suffering ?

Except if your companion is a exp/money machine. But still, you can get a better one, can't you ?

FYI, all the augmentations are repeatable (it means you can get more than once with the same companion) except for the loot hunter.

The best thing now is we have the chance to redo our augment, a. k. a. DE-AUGMENT. Thanks to the constant whining and Andi for finally giving up and making the.change =p. The deaugmentator is available via Badges (another new currency you should know by now) for 300 each, or $20 donation for 5 chances. Yes you will lose all the previous augmentations at once, but if they're all trash you'll have no regret.

This changes everything once again, and Ghost Plasma hunting becomes more tense. Thus I'll write something that might help you to get your plasmas ready  for augmentation in no time.

To brighten up your days, I'll give two gifts, each consists of 250 Nessy. One for the best augmentation, and also for the worse one. Just message me here with a print screen of your companion in your GT profile (just to make sure it's yours and not others') just like this format (You might want to resize the view in your browser by holding Ctrl + scrolling up/down to get a fitting print screen)

The winners and some interesting ones will be announced in the next part of this topic, "All about companion - Part 3 : Ghost Plasma hunting"in around 2 weeks time. So you still have some time to raise and augment  if you haven't got one =)

That's all folks, see you next post and happy hunting !

EDIT : thanks for someone noting about the new price for deaugmentator =)


  1. Deaugmentors with badges cost 300 now. Thought I let you know, feel free to look on to it. :)

  2. I personally haven't seen anyone getting loot multiplier augment twice on the same companion...

  3. Cant wait for part 3 ... thank you for all your work and assisting so many of us :)

  4. That was really useful!!
    Thanks Raymond ;)
