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Friday, December 10, 2010

Nessy Reservation 2

It's been a week and Celebration Week 2 is closer than it looks. You might want to stock some precious baits (including Nessy) before using them intensively during the event. Some of you might also in the rush to obtain your Mighty Chrono Crystal or Dragon Whelps (Amber/Diamond) from Bayoushi Shop to help you in getting low cooldown later on.

Provided that you've read my previous post about Nessy Reservation (if you haven't, please take a look here), I'll try to give a concise intro and more thorough explanations about this topic.

Okay. You must understand that Nessy is not just a special bait. Nessy is a CURRENCY (you can trade those with money). And not just a currency, but also a PROPERTY whose value is rising up as time goes by. I've gone through the moment when Nessy is just 5k per bottle, and now you can see the price is around 30k per bottle, about 6 times more expensive !! Imagine if you need to sell 1600 Nessy for getting Abyssal Phone Booth, now you just need around 270 bottles, and how about a few months from now ?

One of the reasons is this : As the number of GT players are increasing, the demand for Nessy is steadily increasing, while the supply of Nessy doesn't seem to follow. It can be said that there are two main supplier of Nessy in GT : those who smart in managing their Nessy stock, and the other ones are the donators. If you're not one of these people, you will provide more and more money for them as you're keep buying and buying. 

Yes you might not need to use Nessy at the moment, but the time will come : special ghosts in common goal buff (need low t/sc and preferably not mocktails), exhibition loots (especially the myth collection), Haunted Weeks ?

Following my previous tips about RAIDING, there's some important info you need to know :
1) To attract 6 minions, you need to use a single Nessy for each of the extra minion (5th and 6th). 
2) People normally use Highland Pride (+10 mystic) for Boss, don't waste your Nessy.
3) If you want to save even more, you have the option not to use Nessy at all (given that all 4 first minions are successfully caught, remember Boss will be attracted only if there are at least 4 caught (not attracted) minions). If for some reasons you fail to catch all 4, use as little Nessy as possible to complete the requirement to attract boss (1 if you fail once, 2 if you fail twice).

Let's say the average drop of Nessy for Boss is 15. I'm pretty sure if your team is decent enough (have at least pixie and CW, or maybe twilight ID + the average of total mystic is 70+), you will get one in less than 10 raidings. Thus, a profit even if you used 1 Nessy each time you raid.

Advanced tips : Hunt lots of Ghost Monsters, preferably Cool chimera and above since they drop Nessy once in a while (Tempest Ghostlem drops Nessy PE sometimes too !). I haven't researched about this yet, but as with my experience, you can attract more epic ones using higher attraction baits (Nessy / mocktail).

Now to review the Nessy Reservation process, below is a screenshot of my first savings.
Note that I put 5k bottles into my savings initially from a total of 6367. Then every time I get nessy, I'll save half of them and put the rest into the "Investing part" (remember this is the part which you're free to use) and so on and so forth.

NB : I use excel to take note of my Nessy stock so I can simply write the formula in the "Free to Use" column as Total minus Save (in the respective rows) and update only the Gain and new Total. Also, I formulated so that half of my latest gain will be added automatically to the Save column.

In this situation, of course I ain't in a very strict condition since my Free Nessy is over 1k. In case where you run out of Free Nessy, you can either put your hope from Raiding Bosses or do the following : move some Nessy from Saving to Investing part so that you can start investing and repeat the process.

Advanced tips : While you are trying to invest your Nessy, make sure you have decent mystic (70 or more) and loot multiplier (Pixie/Lepre and Twilight ID). And of course some midnight attraction (Countess Wilhelmina / Wax Pyramid) since midnight ghosts have a greater probability of dropping loots -> or you might want to wait until the midnight itself before using the Investing part.

Of course there's no reason to save your Nessy all the time. If for instance Haunted Week is coming, you can  allocate some portion of the Saving part to be used during the event. Or if you need to buy a new trap as soon as possible, you can sell your Nessy (also from the Saving Part) in the tradepost/forum to . Just make sure never use the Nessy from Saving Part directly, that's the main rule.

Overall it seems complicated, but if you're already accustomed to the method, stick to the plan and try to control your Nessy expenditure wisely, your Nessy stock will be literally eternal. Play smart, a bit of melancholist work won't kill you right ? =p

Thanks for reading and happy trapping !

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