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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nessy Hunting - Haunted Week only

Dear agents,

Yesterday I promised to share you some tips of Nessy Hunting you can utilize in this Haunted Week. Of course there are several ways you might think of, including the normal one that is focused on Nessy-only ghosts. If you haven't read my previous posts about basic Nessy Hunting, you can refer to this post and other posts in Nessy Reservation series to flourish your knowledge even more.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Dear agents,
I'm back after getting haunted with my final year projects to share some updated and exclusive info about Haunted Week VI, I hope this will make up for my long absence !

So, here's the outline :
- What's new on HW VI ?
- Naughty she-devil ghost anomaly
- Haunting/Widow temptress ghost anomaly
- What to do for the remaining days of HW VI ?
- Nessy hunting tips-HW only

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Weekly Issue 17March2011 - St. Patrick's Day

Hi agents,

Today is St. Patrick's Day and that means St Patrick's Ghosts are back to town ! 

As most of you are aware, there have been some interesting updates related to the newly introduced attribute Leprechaun's Luck (LL).

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Weekly Issue 18Feb2011 - Forensic is back !

Dear agents,

I've been quite busy these days and hardly find time to write and research something about GT, but hopefully from now on I can steadily write something weekly.

And sorry for the long wait, I'll continue the "All About Companion" series as soon as possible.

So let's start with some recent updates/news since my last post :

Monday, January 24, 2011

All about companion - Part 2 : Augmentations

Hi agents,
It's been 2 weeks since I'm away, so take a deep breath and hope you enjoy this one =)

Previously on All about companion (Part 1 : Leveling), I have discussed some important tips and trick about companion levelling. Afterall, levelling isn't just for improving the stats. When your companion reaches level 5, it's ready to be augmented. For every pet, you're given 3 slots for augmentation, each with either 50 Ghost Plasmas or 1000 Nessy's Golden Reserve.

Before proceeding, as promised, here are the augmentations of my Emerald Dragon Whelp (Ravi, Uchiha Sasuke, and Easton guessed them right)

Monday, January 10, 2011

All about companion - Part 1 : Levelling

Hi agents,
I'd like to say thanks to everyone who reads and follows this blog. To start my first post in 2011 and satisfy some of your requests, I've come out an idea to write up about companions.

Ever since companion augmentations was introduced to Ghost Trappers, there has been a lot of motivation in raising a companion until level 5. However some of us might find it hard, have no idea nor patience to do it.

The number of hunts needed are given below :

  • level 1  level 2 = 500 hunts
  • level 2  level 3 = 500 hunts
  • level 3  level 4 = 1500 hunts
  • level 4  level 5 = 2500 hunts

Thus in total, we need to perform 5000 hunts to complete the task. A lot ? Maybe, but let's take a deeper look to the core.