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Friday, December 3, 2010

Nessy Reservation 1

Finally, after several weeks of absence, now I return to discuss one interesting issue about Nessy. But first of all, these days in Ghost Trappers had been incredible for me. I completed my myth collection, also I got that Silverstar mini from the Mr. Hard to Encounter - Rick Roll ghost (and surprisingly it wasn't on midnight !).
But one of the greatest feeling is when I got the Devoted Agent ID (combination of Twilight ID x1.5 loot and Cosmic Agent -1 min) on 24th November (2nd common goal that gives this reward).
Recall that it was the spooky ghost hunting, and with some hard core effort and a bit of luck I manage to somehow catch 244 of them, which is sufficient to get into the top 10, which means I'm one of the first 20 agents who got this magnificent ID ! Love how they design and make it catchy as you can see below

Now, a bit intro about the main subject.
 Nessy's Golden Reserve (a.k.a. Nessy) is obviously the symbol and leader of all baits in the game. With -5 min t/sc, 5 mystic, 2 malty mist and very high attraction, there's no way you can get your eyes off these yellow bottles. 

Oh and don't forget about Nessy's Platinum Edition (a.k.a Nessy PE) which is an excellent upgrade of Nessy. You need extra raw ? Do you need higher mystic ? Do you need higher malty mist to hunt monster while attracting more top tier ones ? Faster cooldown ? Midnight hunting at day ? It has everything you want.

In short, a perfect bait with only one downside : TOO EXPENSIVE ! One of the few ways to obtain it is by donating $10 (to get the recipe and some extra Nessy PE) and then you can start mixing 1 Nessy PE for 3 Nessy. This is considered to be very very expensive by taking the current market price of Nessy which is about 28k -> 1 bottle of Nessy PE = 84k @!#*@(&$(*

You can enjoy exclusive advantages by having a reasonable stock of these baits. In other words, you need to know how to reserve your Nessy's stock wisely ! Below are the steps :

STEP 1 : Have a stock of Nessy !
I recommend that you have at least 50. IF you seriously don't have any, you can ask some of your friends to share a bit.

You know (or maybe not) that you can get drops of Nessy from ghost monsters, but rarely. The better alternatives are Raid Boss and Nessy-only ghost (the famous five : Ghost Nessy, Cu Sith, Kelpie, Selkie, Glaistig). So here is the next important move.

STEP 2 : Start raiding and take note of the amount of Nessy's you have !
The first is clear, you need to start raiding to encounter a raid boss. And so how my plan works ? Start by jotting down the number of Nessy before raid. If the bosses don't drop ones, that's okay, take note the number of Nessy after raid (at most you will use 2 for the extra minion hunts). But if they do, now this how it goes.

STEP 3 : Save and invest ! (This might be a bit complicated so please read carefully)
Let's say you start with A bottle of Nessy, then after one/several days of raiding, one of the bosses drop Nessy, so that now you own B bottles. If B is still less than A, you need to repeat the procedure until B > A. Now, I have a B-A profit which I divide into two parts :

-> Saving part
You save at least 50% of them. For instance if you save X, then your main saving is A+X now (take note of this number). 
-> Investing part
You are free to use the rest of the profit, I'll call them "Free Bottles". If you're smart enough, investing is a risky, but smart way to go. 'The famous five' loves Nessy so much that sometimes they will also drop more decent amount of Nessy for you (20-50).  If by investing you do get some extra bottles, take not of that number, and repeat this process as much as you want (now A is the number before you get those bottles, and B is after) until you run out of Nessies to use from the investing part.

By investing you might have less profit since you're taking out some of your extra profit. But there's nothing to lose, your income is always positive from the saving part, while you have the chance to gain more

Let's have a real example of how this works. Let's say Istart with 30 Nessy at first. Then I use 2 Nessy for raiding, and the boss doesn't drop anything. Next day, I use 2 more Nessy for raiding, and now the boss drops 15 Nessy. Now you have B = 41 (30-2-2+15) and A = 30.  Now I have 11 profit, and  decide to save 6, from which now I have 30+6 = 36 in my savings.
Now, I want to use the remaining 5 bottle, and at the third trial, I get Selkie which drops 30 Nessy. Stop at this point, and now I have 5+30-3 = 27 bottles outside of my savings. Repeat by saving 14 and use the remaining 13 and so on until I run out of free bottles.

This is simply a theory, but you may still have more extensive thinkings/ideas about the process. How if the boss/nessy-ghosts never drop nessies ? How if I want to save / invest more ? I'll continue more on the next session which further goes on to some tricks you can use to improve this method and about chance of getting your nessies back after investing. Thanks for reading and happy trapping !


  1. hi! may i know what's ur setup to get the rick roll ghost?

  2. It should be Nightcap +1, the details are TWPE/WP/CDW/SHQ/MCF/Dev/SupJura

  3. Edited, it should be MCC (Mighty Chrono Crystal)
